Tutorial: Diving into the Code

TODO: this needs a more detailed explanation of the most basic aspects of the code base

Getting started with coding

  1. Don't get overwhelmed by the mass of config files in the root directory. Jump directly to the subfolder src/app/ where the actually relevant code is located.
  2. The project is structured into several Modules, each in its own folder under src/app/core (general features) or src/app/child-ded-project (special user-facing features)
  3. To extend upon the existing system, don't worry about the lower layer modules. Focus on understanding the top level modules adding user features like the SchoolModule and the ChildrenModule.

Next, let's actually add something: > Add your first field to the Child Details

TODO: a short tutorial section on how to add an additional field to the Child class and the ChildDetails form?

Next: ??

Should we end the tutorial here? Or have another section on some more advance aspect?

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